Monday, June 14, 2010

Tu Quoque, The Economist

Emmanuel Navon

“Can the whole world be wrong?" asked Koffi Annan in April 2002. His was a rhetorical question meant to make a sophistic point: If the UN says black and Israel says white, do the math and guess who’s right. Coming from a man under whose watch (whether as Head of the Peacekeeping Operations Department, as Under-Secretary General, or as Secretary General) the UN was passive at best and accomplice at worst during the Rwanda Genocide, the Srebrenica massacre, the Darfur ethnic cleansing and the Iraqi oil-for-food scandal, asking such a question required no small amount of sang froid.

What Annan meant by "the whole world" was the UN, an organization numerically dominated by human rights violators. Similarly, what The Economist means by "the world" (“How Israel plays into Hamas’s hands," June 5th 2010) are those European dhimmis who refuse to face what Islam is up to. So, yes, "the world" of Koffi Annan and of The Economist can indeed be wrong.

If you were still wondering why Europe is expressing outrage at Israel’s act of self-defense while excusing Turkey’s provocations, then read the op-ed published in The New York Times on June 10th by Bernard Kouchner, Franco Frattini, and Miguel Moratinos. Those three European foreign ministers provide a crystal-clear explanation for their hypocrisy: they need to appease Europe’s Muslim citizens (here’s the quote: "[the flotilla incident] must not create the conditions for a further escalation of violence either in the Middle East or in Europe, where deep emotion has been aroused").

The Economist’s articles on the flotilla incident are so hypocritical that one wonders if this otherwise insightful newspaper shares the concerns of Kouchner, Frattini and Moratinos. True, The Economist is not a European politician running for office or trying to appease the car-burning mobs of Paris or Malmö. But its editorial line on Islam-related issues is baffling: It supports Turkey’s membership in the EU, systematically uses the adjective "mildly Islamist" to describe Erdogan’s "Justice and Development" (AK) party, opposes the ban of the burqa in Europe, claims there is no contradiction between Islam and democracy, and that Muslims did (and do) a great job integrating in Europe.

Those claims defy logics. So does the fact that The Economist is surprisingly tolerant of Recep Erdogan. For a newspaper that has no qualms about exposing the buffoonery, incompetence, or brutality of heads of states and governments (its favorite and regular picks are Silvio Berlusconi, Hugo Chavez, and Robert Mugabe), one wonders why The Economist has nothing caustic to say about Turkey’s erratic Prime Minister. About the fact, for example, that Erdogan lectures Israel while he himself refuses to apologize for the Armenian genocide, to end the occupation of Cyprus, to accept the establishment of a Kurdish state, or to return the Alexandretta province it grabbed from Syria. Or that Ergogan "demands" that the 3% Turkish minority in Germany be granted the type of cultural autonomy he adamantly denies to Turkey’s 15% Kurdish minority. The Economist never expressed outrage at Erdogan’s public embrace of Mahmud Ahmadinejad, of Omar Bashir, and of Haled Mashal.

Like most European newspapers, The Economist condemns the Gaza blockade, though it only blames Israel for a policy that is also implemented by Egypt. It also fails to provide a credible alternative to the prevention of the massive armament of Gaza (its suggestion that the UN should "oversee the flow of goods and people going in and out of Gaza" doesn’t even pass the laughing test: The UN has been "overseeing" the massive rearmament of Hezbollah since the 2006 war with Israel). The Economist keeps insisting that "The contours of a two-state solution remain crystal-clear" though this solution has been accepted by Israel and rejected by the Palestinian Authority three times (at Camp David in July 2000; with the "Clinton Parameters" in December 2000; and with Ehud Olmert’s offer in September 2008).

In spite of the historical record, The Economist insists that the Palestinians are sincere about peace, but that Israel is not. While Benjamin Netanyahu "does not give the impression of being willing to give ground in the interests of peace," Mahmoud Abbas definitely does. The Economist "understands" why the Palestinians voted for Hamas (it’s because Israel prevents peace), but it won’t "forgive" Israelis for electing a conservative government (why, indeed, should Israelis have second thoughts about the wisdom of the Oslo process?). If only Israelis would be wise enough to replace their "right-wing" government (actually, a coalition with the Labor Party) for Tzipi Livni (wasn’t she Foreign Minister when Abbas said no to the "crystal clear solution" and when Israel launched Operation Cast Lead?), peace will finally ensue.

As for the United States, Barack Obama did see the light but Congress is still the hostage of AIPAC (which won’t let J-Street speak out, because J-Street does want peace and does see the light). Indeed, why would anyone in his right mind support Israel if it wasn’t for the Jewish lobby? Look at Stephen Harper. He dares to be supportive of Israel. According to The Economist, Harper owes the world an explanation for his effrontery ("Mr. Harper himself has never fully explained his partiality," The Economist, May 29th 2010), though The Economist has an explanation: Harper "is pandering to Jewish voters" (after all, there is no Canadian J-Street).

At the turn of the new millennium, The Economist "predicted" that oil would remain cheap and abundant in the coming decades. After oil prices went from $20 a barrel in 2001 to $145 a barrel in 2008, The Economist had to admit that its theory was wrong. But when it comes to the Middle-East, The Economist will never admit its mistakes. You don’t even have to blame the facts. Blaming Israel does the trick better, and it even pleases those Muslim readers who are doing a great job integrating in Europe.

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I.H.T. Op-Ed Contributor
Averting Another Gaza
Published: June 10, 2010

The whole world was shocked by the tragic consequences of the Israeli military operation conducted in international waters against the “Peace Flotilla” convoy of ships. The human cost is unacceptable. Nothing can justify the use of such violence, and our countries immediately condemned it.

Following these dramatic events, the time must come for analysis and reflection on the root reasons of the tragedy. The cause of the boarding of the Mavi Marmara can be summarized in a single word, one that is very familiar to us: Gaza.

It was Israel’s unbending determination to force compliance with the blockade put in place in 2007 after the coup d’état by Hamas against the Palestinian Authority that is the origin of this event, just as Operation Cast Lead and its trail of intolerable pain were triggered by the constant firing of rockets into southern Israel. Last year, as it did on the night of May 30-31, Israel decided to use force to achieve its political and security objectives.

That logic must now be abandoned, because if it is not, more tragedies will occur that can only strengthen Hamas and Israel’s other enemies in the region, destabilize moderates in both camps and deepen Israel’s political isolation.

How? On June 1 the U.N. Security Council expressed its view, indicating three ways forward that we must follow.

First, the investigation: This is indispensable and it must be impartial, transparent and conform with international standards. It must, however, be sure to avoid the mistakes made after the submission of the Goldstone report, whose follow-up was exploited by the Human Rights Council, half of whose resolutions, unfortunately, have been devoted to condemning Israel.

Turkish and American citizens were the victims of this operation, and the investigation must therefore include an international component, as has already been proposed by the U.N. secretary general. He has our support.

Second, the lifting of the blockade: As early as the first hours after the tragedy, we stressed that the situation in Gaza was no longer sustainable.

In using this expression, also employed by the Security Council the following day, we mean that we must meet the humanitarian needs of Gaza’s population and remove the raison d’être of the mafia-like tunnel economy, but at the same time provide guarantees that this will not go hand in hand with a resurgence in arms trafficking and an influx of terrorist groups into Gaza. This is in fact what Security Council Resolution 1860, adopted following the war in Gaza, stipulates, and the Security Council called a few days ago for it to be implemented in its entirety, not selectively. This includes the immediate release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

Concerning the humanitarian aspect, Tony Blair has suggested a shift from a logic of denial of supplies to Gaza to one based on general authorization, with the exception of banned products. Why not adopt this idea to demonstrate very quickly that the situation can improve?

The European Union already has a civilian mission on the spot ready to be deployed simultaneously at the Karni and Rafah frontier posts linking Gaza to Israel and Egypt.

To guarantee full security of supplies, we propose that inspections supported and funded by the E.U. should be put in place there in conditions acceptable to all in order to ensure that consignments bound for Gaza contain neither weapons nor explosives.

A similar regime could be considered for maritime consignments bound for Gaza, for example, by deploying E.U. monitoring teams in Cyprus. These arrangements would be implemented only against a backdrop of very substantial relaxation of the restrictions on imports and exports to and from Gaza.

A lasting solution also implies that the Palestinian Authority should be fully reinstated in Gaza and that a logic of peace should once again prevail in the Gaza territory. Efforts by Egypt in support of reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas must still be supported concurrently with the démarche by the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas.

Finally, there is the essential issue: the revival of the peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians. This tragedy must not create the conditions for a further escalation of violence either in the Middle East or in Europe, where deep emotion has been aroused. The scale of the international protests proves that Israel enjoys no immunity. How we wish that other tragedies would arouse the same condemnation!

The Palestinian president, who will be in Europe in a few days, has announced that despite everything, the talks will continue. Let us show the same political courage as that demonstrated by the Palestinian leadership. We want those talks to be able to address the final status rapidly.

The E.U., which on Dec. 8 adopted a strong, ambitious text concerning the broad lines of a future settlement, must itself move forward with the parties, in conjunction with U.S. mediation, with a view to the building and recognition of a Palestinian state living in peace and security side by side with Israel.

Bernard Kouchner, Franco Frattini and Miguel Angel Moratinos are the foreign ministers, respectively, of France, Italy and Spain.

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